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  • Grace Stiles

10 Mobility Exercises You Should Be Doing

What is mobility and why is it important?

You have all heard of the term mobility, and you have probably used the word before. Mobility is a word that gets thrown around a lot in the fitness industry. But what does it mean? I touched on this in last week’s blog (The Importance of a Warm Up), but we will dive into this topic a bit deeper in this blog.

Mobility is ability of a joint to move actively through a range of motion. The more mobility you have, the more range of motion that joint has (within its limits). Better mobility is important because it can potentially reduce the risk of injury of that joint, and prepare your body for the stress of training. It does this by improving joint function and your movement patterns more effective.

Last week, I gave the example of ankle mobility affecting squat depth. A lack of ankle mobility can decrease the depth of your squat. The deeper you squat (to a certain point and maintaining correct technique), the more muscle fibers you recruit and activate in your quadriceps as opposed to a more shallow squat. Therefore, ankle mobility can improve the effectiveness of your squat, and help you tone your muscles faster.

Mobility also improves function. Poor hip mobility can cause low back pain or knee dysfunction. Poor ankle mobility can cause knee pain and/or dysfunction. More likely than not, the area where you feel pain is not the problem. Improving mobility of joints can improve the function of that joint and help relieve pain in other areas.

Limited shoulder mobility can make it hard to take heavy plates down from the top shelf while hosting a dinner party. Limited hip mobility can make it hard to pick up a child or grandchild at while celebrating their 2nd birthday party. Limited ankle mobility can make it difficult to squat down and plant flowers in your new garden. Improving mobility can make daily activities easier for you, and turn frustration to moments of joy.

What mobility exercises should I be doing?

I have come up with a list of upper and lower body mobility exercises that you can add to your routine. You can do these prior to a workout, following a workout, or on a recovery day. All of these can be done without any equipment, but you are welcome to use a yoga mat if preferred.

1. Cat Cows x 10 (Upper Body)


  • Improves posture

  • Improves thoracic spine mobility

  • Helps when learning basic movement patterns

2. Inch Worms x 5 (Full Body)


  • Improves hamstring flexibility

  • Increases core and shoulder strength

Key Points:

  • May maintain a slight bend in the knee as you reach down

3. Thread The Needle x 10 each side (Upper Body)


  • Stretches shoulders

  • Improves thoracic spine mobility

4. Standing Arm Slide x 10 (Upper Body)


  • Improves posture

  • Improves shoulder mobility

  • Stretches the muscles of the chest

Key Points:

  • Can be done lying on the ground or standing against a wall

5. Deep Squat to Hamstring Stretch x 10 (Lower Body)


  • Improves hip and ankle mobility

  • Improves hamstring flexibility

Key Points

  • Only squat down as low as YOU can go

  • Keep heels on ground the whole time

6. Overhead Squat x 10 (Full Body)


  • Improves squat technique

  • Improves shoulder mobility

Key Points:

  • Keep chest up and heels down as you squat

  • Can complete with empty hands or by holding a band or PVC pipe

7. Spiderman Stretch x 10 each side (Full Body)


  • Improves hip mobility

  • Improves thoracic spine mobility

Key Points:

  • Keep back flat

  • Can drop back knee on the ground if necessary or add a yoga block under hands

8. Half Kneeling Rotation x 10 each side (Full Body)


  • Improves hip mobility

  • Increases core stability

Key Points:

  • Squeeze glute of the leg that is down

  • Keep core tight

9. Lying Straight Leg Raise x 10 each side (Lower Body)


  • Improves hamstring flexibility

Key points:

  • Keep low back pinned against the floor

  • Keep toes pointed down towards shin

10. Shoulder Sweep x 10 each side (Upper Body)


  • Improves shoulder mobility

  • Increases core stability

Key Points:

  • Squeeze glute of the leg that is down

  • Keep core tight

Which exercises should I pick?

Try and pick at least 5 of these exercises to complete at least 2 times per week. Chose at least 1 full body, 1 upper body, and 1 lower body mobility exercise. Pick exercises that you are comfortable with. You may have to build up strength first for some of these.

Try it out this week and be sure to post on social media about a new mobility exercise that you try!

Remember to follow me on Instagram @takeheartfitness19 & on Facebook Take Heart Fitness!

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