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  • Grace Stiles

Exercise For Fat Loss

There are many different methods to losing weight and obviously optimal nutrition is a large part of success when it comes to weight loss. Combining exercise and nutrition is by far the most effective way to reach your goals. For today, I am going to focus in on the exercise portion of fat loss.

Types of Exercise For Fat Loss

We will take a look at a few different types of exercise that are recommended for fat loss. First will be low-intensity steady state cardio, then high-intensity interval training, and lastly, strength training.

Low-Intensity Steady State (LISS) Cardio

LISS is any form of cardio exercise where you maintain the same low-intensity pace (steady state) for a certain amount of time. Generally, LISS exercise lasts longer than more intense exercise. A normal LISS cardio session could be walking outside at a steady pace for 45 minutes.

Benefits of LISS

LISS is a popular form of training due to its low impact nature (walking, elliptical, biking, swimming, etc.), and it can be done without any equipment (walking, running, hiking, etc.). It is a great way to ease into a workout routine for beginners or those who have not exercised in a while. LISS is also great for recovery because it increases blood flow to damaged muscles which helps reduce post-workout soreness.

Lastly, LISS is a great way to burn fat! Training at a lower intensity means that more oxygen is available in your body (aerobic metabolism). When more oxygen is present, your body uses fat as fuel instead of glycogen (stored glucose) during low-intensity, long duration exercise so fat is broken down and “burned”.

High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) Cardio

HIIT exercise involves short, intense spurts of exercise with rest periods in between. Sprinting for 30 seconds followed by a 1 minute rest interval continued for 15 minutes is an example of a HIIT workout.

Benefits of HIIT

Since HIIT workouts are more intense than LISS, they can be completed in a shorter amount of time. If you have a busy schedule then this might be right for you! You can also add in strength training to your HIIT workouts to cover cardio and strength in one workout session.

HIIT is also a great tool for fat loss. Even though you are not exercising for as long as LISS, you still burn fat. Although with HIIT, you burn fat during and after your workout rather than just during! This is known as “Excess Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption.” Due to the intensity of a HIIT session, your metabolism is still elevated even after you stop exercising.

Strength Training

Strength training, also known as lifting weights, is very important in your workout routine. It builds and tones muscle, improves bone density, helps you perform tasks easier, and allows you to maintain muscle while losing weight.

Strength training can be performed before or after a LISS workout or it can be added to a HIIT workout. Both options are great for weight loss and building muscle tone (why women should strength train). If you would like an example of a strength training workout, check out my previous blog on how to create your own strength training workout.

Exercise is critical when it comes to fat loss. If you have anymore questions on this topic please email or message me. You can also register for my upcoming Wellness Your Weigh program where myself (Exercise Physiologist) and Bethany Miorelli (Registered Dietician) have developed a program specific to women who want to lose weight.

Thank you for tuning in!

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