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  • Grace Stiles

3 Tips To Drink More Water

I am blown away by the number of people I encounter who drink less than 20 ounces of water a day. If you don’t know the amount of water per day your body needs, it’s time to learn! Your goal should be to drink about half of your body weight in ounces of water. For example, if you weigh 160 pounds, you should be drinking at least 80 ounces of water per day. Remember that you need to drink extra if you exercise due to fluid loss while you sweat.

Why Do We Need Water?

You body is composed of about 65% water. Water flushes out waste, regulates your body temperature, and helps your brain function. I would suggest to make this the first thing you consume when you wake up in the morning, even before your coffee! While you sleep, your body is deprived of water for hours so it is crucial that you replenish in the morning. I have heard a lot of reasons why people don’t drink water, and here are the top reasons. I am never thirsty, it is boring, I forget to, I like to drink other things. You may have said something like this before too. Below are my top 3 tips to get into a habit of drinking water.

1. Set A Water Schedule

Plan to drink water as soon as you wake up. I like to have my water bottle ready to go for me in the morning when I wake up. Drink 1 glass of water with every meal. Plan to drink 1 glass of water before your workout, half a glass during your workout, and at least 1 glass after your workout. Lastly, drink 1 glass before you go to bed. If you have trouble remembering to do this, set reminders on your phone. Remember, you can track your water intake on your phone through health & fitness apps.

2. Change It Up

If you get bored with drinking water, try seltzer water. This is good for adding a little spark of flavor, plus it is sugar free and calorie free! The carbonation can also help you stay full if you are trying to lose weight. Another way you can change things up is to buy a new reusable water bottle. You may be more inclined to drink from something that is new and you enjoy!

3. Eat Foods High In Water

Fruits and vegetables contain a lot of water! For example, lettuce is 96% water! Other fruits and vegetables like celery, zucchini, cabbage, watermelon, and cantaloupe are all at least 90% water. Talk about a delicious way to hydrate! In addition to the fluid content, fruits and vegetables are packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants to promote your overall health.

Drinking water is so important! Challenge yourself this week and drink half of your body weight in ounces each day! Remember to tag me on Instagram @takeheartfitness19

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