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  • Grace Stiles

5 Tips to Get The Most Out of Your Workout

Updated: Jul 25, 2020

1. Plan

First, look at the big picture. What goals are you trying to achieve? Do you want to lose weight? Do you want to become more toned? Do you want to become stronger? Planning your workout routine will more accurately push you toward your goals. Each workout acts as a stepping stone to get you where you want to reach because you can see the whole picture. This might mean you write it out or keep record of it on your phone. Rather than aimlessly wondering around the gym thinking about what to do next, you know what your next exercise is and how it fits into reaching your goals.

Also, plan out your nutrition for the week. This includes your pre and post workout snacks. Pre-workout snacks should include carbs to provide energy, some protein to supply your muscles with the right amino acids, and a little bit of fat. Have snacks like fruit, trail mix, or granola bars available and ready-to-go prior to your workout. More energy means better workouts. Post-workout snacks should include carbs to replenish your muscle glycogen stores, protein to build up your muscles and increase protein synthesis, and a little bit of fat to regulate hormone levels. Preparing nutrition will make your workout more effective and help you reach your goals faster.

2. Research and Stay Updated

Keep yourself up to do date on how to do certain exercises or what exercise works what muscle. You can read or watch videos on what part of the body you will be training that day. Health and fitness knowledge is important for living a healthy lifestyle. Share what you learn with your family, friends, and coworkers to promote healthy living!

3. Set A Schedule

You are more likely to stick to your workout routine if you set a schedule. Ideally, you want to workout at the same time everyday to get into your routine. This is hard for most people, so at least plan what times you will workout that week and set appointments in your phone. Treat it as you would any other meeting, and make it mandatory. Working out before work can be beneficial if you get extremely tired after work. Working out after work is good for you if you have trouble getting up in the morning. Working out on your lunch break is helpful if you feel like there aren’t enough hours in the day. Set a schedule and stick to it!

4. Mind Muscle Connection

Visualize your muscles contracting as you perform an exercise. When doing a tricep extension, you feel a burning sensation in the back of your arm. Squeeze your tricep as you fully extend the dumbbell and imagine your tricep contracting. Mind muscle connection has been proven to activate your muscle more throughout an exercise.

5. Workout Buddy

Accountability is one of the most important factors in sticking to a workout routine. Accountability leads to consistency and consistency leads to results. If you and your gym partner plan to meet at the gym tomorrow morning at 6:30 am, you don’t want to be the person to bail. If you struggle getting to the gym I challenge you to pick a gym partner or have someone keep you accountable this upcoming week.

This week, I challenge you to implement at least one of these tips! Good luck and let me know how it goes by tagging @takeheartfitness19 on Instagram!

Also, check out my current online personal training programs here!

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