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  • Grace Stiles

4 Tips To A Successful Week

Updated: Jul 25, 2020

What feeling does Sunday night normally give you? Is it a relaxed evening or is it full of anxiety due to the impending return to the office or school the next day? Preparation is one of the secret’s to success when it comes to reaching your fitness goals. Think about it. You are more likely to eat healthy when you have healthy snacks prepared in your fridge. You are more likely to workout early in the morning if you have your gym bag packed and ready to go. Below are my 4 Sunday tips for a successful week.

1. Meal prep

You have heard this many times before, but meal prepping is a major key to success. It is extremely difficult to lose weight or become more toned if you are not taking your nutrition into account. One of the best ways to stick to making healthy choices, is to be prepared and meal prep. Plan out what you will make for lunches, dinners and snacks and make it happen! Dedicate an hour or two on Sunday to meal prepping. Use glass or plastic food containers to have each meal or snack ready to go. It is better to spend a few hours cooking and prepping than a full week of scrounging and making poor choices. It will also save you time throughout the week because the hard work is already done!

2. Plan your workouts

Going into a workout without a plan is a recipe for disaster. When you don’t have a plan it is easy to become lazy and skip sets, reps, or exercise that you don’t feel like doing. On Sunday, write out your workout plan for the week. If you would like a workout plan, check out my Exercise Prescription Program.Below is an example of a weekly outline and then an example of an individual workout.

Sunday: Rest

Monday: Walk 2 miles; Biceps, Back, & Shoulders

Tuesday: Run 1 mile

Wednesday: Legs & Core

Thursday: Walk 3 miles; Chest, Triceps, & Shoulders

Friday: Run 2 miles

Saturday: Stretch & Recovery

Let’s focus in on the Monday Biceps & Back Workout:

  • Dumbbell Bicep Curls – 3 sets of 12 reps

  • Single Arm Dumbbell Row – 3 sets of 12 reps

  • Dumbbell Upright Row – 3 sets of 10 reps

  • Dumbbell Hammer Curls – 3 sets of 10 reps

  • Dumbbell Reverse Flys – 3 sets of 10 reps

  • Dumbbell Lateral Raise – 3 sets of 10 reps

3. Pack your gym bag

You wouldn’t believe how something so simple can be so helpful. Packing your gym bag the night before you workout will increase your chances of actually doing it. If you don’t believe me, then try it! If you don’t use a gym bag or if you workout from home, set out your workout clothes like you used to do for the first day of school.

4. Relax on Sunday

Lastly, take some time to relax on Sunday. Engage in some stretching, light reading, or sitting outside. During the busy week, it is hard to find time to relax so it is important that you carve out some relaxation time on Sundays.

I hope these tips help you and I encourage you to try at least one of them tomorrow! Try one and let me know how it goes! Comment on Facebook or post and tag me on Instagram.

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