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  • Grace Stiles

Accountability & Exercise

Have you ever had a workout buddy or training partner? This is one of the best ways to keep yourself accountable when it comes to fitness. You are more likely to stick to your workout routine if you exercise with a friend, co-worker, or family member. One research study showed that people who exercise in groups are more likely to see results. In my experience, it is more fun, motivating, and challenging as well. A workout partner can push you to do one more set when you want to give up, or when you are feeling hopeless.

Another form of accountability is social media. Research has shown that you are more likely to stick with workout plan if you post about it. Letting others know what your goals are and when you want to accomplish them is a crucial step towards being successful. According to one research study, middle-aged women indicated that accountability was one of several factors that enabled exercise. This week, I encourage you to make a social media post regarding an area of health and fitness in your life. You could take a picture of the meals your prepped for the week or a screen shot of how many miles you ran. Post it and tag @takeheartfitness19.

You can also set up a support system with your friends and family. You may even realize that some people have enabled you to make poor choices. Surround yourself with positive people who support your goals. Ultimately, you are responsible for your actions, but a support system helps! Let your friends and family know your goals and the reason you want to accomplish them. Have someone frequently check in with you. Involving friends and family not only motivates you, but it also motivates those around you!

Another form of accountability is hiring a fitness coach. Many people need help with consistency. That is what I am here for! If you struggle with sticking to your workout routine, let me know and I can help! You are welcome to join one of my online programs. Check out my new Wellness Your Weigh program that incorporates a private accountability group to help you stay on track.

This week, I challenge you to either find a workout partner, update a friend or family member on your goals, or use the help of a fitness coach!

Contact me at with any questions on accountability.

Follow me on Instagram @takeheartfitness19

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