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  • Grace Stiles

Functional Fitness In Your Workout Routine

Updated: Jul 25, 2020

There are many different types of workouts. These workouts include low intensity steady state, high intensity interval training, body building, functional training and many more. The best type of workout for you is dependent on your goals and your level of fitness. I believe that functional fitness training is the most effective type of workout. You can adapt functional fitness workouts to match your fitness goals. If your trying to lose weight, gain strength, become more toned, or improve performance, functional fitness is right for you!

What is functional fitness?

Functional fitness exercises train your muscles to help you do everyday activities safely and efficiently. These exercises are designed to prepare you for real life situations like picking up a suitcase or lifting a child. The components of functional fitness include strength, balance/coordination, power, range of motion, and mobility. It incorporates movements of squatting, lunging, pulling, pushing, stability, and cardio. Below are the reasons why you should incorporate functional fitness into your workout routine.

It improves quality of life

Functional fitness is so important in your lives. As mentioned previously, it prepares you for real life situations like picking up a suitcase or lifting a child. It decreases your chances of pulling a muscle when picking something up or throwing out your back. You learn how to properly lift with your legs and strengthen muscles used for these types of movements.

It improves range of motion & mobility

Mobility prepares our body for the stress of training. Your warm-up should include movements that increase your mobility and range of motion. Mobility contributes to reducing your risk of injury and to performing each exercise with proper form.

It gets you closer to reaching your goals

If you are trying to lose weight, functional fitness is a great option. You can incorporate cardio movements like jumping lunges, squat jumps, and many more. Increasing the intensity of your workout by adding in cardio will cause you to burn more calories after your workout even while you are resting. This physiological effect is called excess post-exercise oxygen consumption or EPOC.

If you are trying to get stronger or improve athletic performance, functional fitness is for you. You can incorporate movements such as back squat, deadlift, and bench press that contribute to overall strength. Adding in explosive movements like a hang clean can contribute to improved athletic performance.

Functional fitness workout example:

1. Dumbbell Squat – 10 reps

2. Dumbbell Row – 10 reps

3. Jumping Lunges – 10 reps each

4. Dumbbell Wood Chop – 10 reps each

5. Dumbbell Push Press – 10 reps

6. Side Lunges – 10 reps each

7. Mountain Climbers – 10 reps each

Complete 3 rounds

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