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  • Grace Stiles

Shifting to Lifting: Part II

Updated: Apr 22, 2020

How to create your own strength training workout

As fitness professionals, it is our job to supply you with the tools you need to sustain a healthy lifestyle on your own. We may work with you and guide for some time during personal training or a workout video subscription, but ultimately, we need to provide you with the tools, knowledge, and resources for you to be successful on your own. Below are basic steps to create your own strength training workout.

1. Determine what range of your body you want to work:

Upper Body – this includes your biceps, triceps, shoulders, back, and chest

Lower Body – this includes your quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes

Core – this includes your abdominals and your obliques

Full – this includes all of the above

2. Select which equipment you will use:


Free Weights – dumbbells (DB), barbells (BB), kettlebells (KB)…etc.

Weight Machines

Resistance Bands (RB)

3. Determine intensity:

High Intensity Interval Training – add in cardio exercises

  • Examples: Jump lunges, speed skaters, high knees, burpees, butt kicks, jumping Jacks, mountain climbers, etc...

Low/Moderate intensity:

  • No cardio involved, only strength training exercises

4. Pick your exercises – you can use the examples below:


  • Biceps: DB curls, DB hammer curls, DB cross-body curls, BB curls, RB curls, machine curls

  • Triceps: overhead DB extensions, DB kickbacks, skull crushers, cable pushdowns, rope pulldowns, band one-arm extension, machine extensions

  • Shoulders: DB lateral raise, DB shoulder press, BB press, RB front raise, RB press, DB rear fly, machine overheard press

  • Chest: BB bench press, DB incline press, RB chest press, machine chest press, machine fly, DB fly, push-ups

  • Back: BB row, DB one-arm row, lat pulldown, seated cable row, supermans, back hyperextensions, t-bar row, DB shrugs, RB row, machine row


  • Quadriceps: air squats, BB back squat, BB dead lift, DB lunges, DB split squat, RB squat, RB split squat

  • Hamstrings: bridges, BB hip thrust, DB single-leg Russian deadlift, BB Russian deadlift, seated leg curl, lying leg curl

  • Glute: glute kickback machine, cable glute kickback, RB lateral shuffle, hip abduction machine, cable hip abduction


  • Rectus abdominis: crunches, v-ups, DB sit-ups, pulse ups, leg raises, plank, reverse crunches, hanging knee/leg raise

  • Oblique: mountain climbers, Russian twist, oblique v-ups, penguins, bicycle crunch

5. Determine number of exercises, reps, sets, and weight

Number of exercises: pick 6-10 exercises for your workout

Number of reps: pick 6-20 reps for each exercise

  • Strength benefits: 4-8 reps

  • Hypertrophy (toning) benefits: 8-12 reps

  • Muscular endurance: 12-20

Number of sets: pick 3-5 sets

  • Pick higher number of sets for heavier weight and lower reps

  • Complete sets consecutively or alternate sets of two exercises

Weight: pick the weight

  • Select a heavier weight for lower reps and a lighter weight for higher reps and more explosive exercises

6. Do the workout!

Now it’s time to put it all together and do the workout!

Workout Example: Full Body – Dumbbell (DB) High-Intensity Interval Training

  • Jumping Lunges – 3 sets of 10 reps each side

  • DB Bicep Curls – 3 sets of 10 reps

  • High Knees – 3 sets of 10 reps each side

  • DB Squat – 3 sets of 10 reps

  • Speed Skaters – 3 sets of 10 reps each side

  • Push Ups – 3 sets of 10 reps

  • Mountain Climbers – 3 sets of 10 reps each side

  • DB One-Arm Row – 3 sets of 10 reps each side

  • Bridges – 3 sets of 10 reps

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