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  • Grace Stiles

4 Tips for Staying Healthy & Active While Quarantined

This is a crazy time in all of our lives. The world has come to a screeching halt, and most of us are cooped up inside participating in “social distancing” activities. Your favorite gym is probably closed, and you are probably trying creative ways to stay active. Since we will be in quarantine for at least another month, I have come up with 4 tips to help you stay healthy and active during this quarantine.

1. Use your normal commute time to exercise

Most of you will be working from home for at least another month. Even if it doesn’t feel like it, you probably have more time than your pre-quarantine work days. You can take advantage of your extra minutes and go for a walk or run during your normal commute time. The average commute is around 25 minutes which is the perfect amount of time to jumpstart your day with some exercise!

2. Take work breaks every 30 minutes

Believe it or not, while working from home, you may not move around as much as you normally do during your work day. Your Apple watch or Fitbit has probably been mocking you and your lack of movement. You don’t have meetings to walk to, stairs to climb, or a far parking spot to venture to at the end of the day. It is easy to stay sedentary for many hours and forget to take stretch breaks or walk around the house. Set a timer every 30 minutes and take a move break for 2-3 minutes. Do your best to reach 8,000-10,000 steps each day.

3. Continue to eat healthy food

Don’t neglect your health even at a time like this. It is easy to make excuses when you are told to stay inside and stock up on non-perishables. There are still many healthy food choices you can buy – beans, canned or frozen veggies, nuts and seeds, nut butters, oats, whole wheat bread, canned tuna, dried fruits, and granola bars.

4. Engage in stress relief activities

Stress relief is critical during moments of high anxiety. Take this extra time at home to partake in stress relief activities. Try some morning yoga, an afternoon hike, listening to calming music, enjoying a cup of coffee or tea, or engaging in some light reading.

Try out some of these tips during your quarantine; this doesn’t have to be a time of set backs and unhealthiness. Subscribe, create an account, and comment below with your favorite healthy quarantine activity!


All information provided by Take Heart Fitness (THF) is of a general nature and is furnished for educational/entertainment purposes only. Please consult with your physician before beginning any exercise program. No information is to be taken as medical or other health advice pertaining to any individuals’ specific health or medical condition. You agree that use of this information is at your own risk and hold THF harmless from any and all losses, liabilities, injuries or damages resulting from any all claims. All content provided by THF is intended for use by THF clients and may not be copied or used for any commercial, promotional, or other business purpose.

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